
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Action Planning Template(Revised a of August 2012)
Goal:   How can we most successfully balance and utilize negative/positive consequences such as I.S.S., detention, school initiatives  and student incentive programs to successfully redirect student behavior and increase student achievement, while supporting teachers  to positively  change the culture and climate of our school?

Action Step(s):
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources/Tools:
Evaluation Process and Tool:
1. Discuss topic with Principal and site supervisor regarding possible action inquiry on 3 additional sites similar to our campus.

E. D. Walker Middle School

W. H. Atwell Middle School Law Academy

O. W. Holmes Middle School and Classified Academy

Cory Green
Dr. Cheryl Wright (Lead Principal), and Mr James Broadnax (Site Supervisor, Science Department Chair, Chair of Site Based Decision Making Committee)
September 4, 2012—September 7, 2012
Written documentation giving permission from each principal’s site to conduct action research on their site pertaining to discipline and in-school suspension
No Evaluation Process Applicable
2. Meet with 7th and 8th grade teachers, and trained I.S.S. facilitator of in school suspension to examine discipline issues and numbers students enrolled in I.S.S. and reasons they feel contribute to repeat offenders and increasing enrollment of students 7th and 8th grade students
Cory Green I.S.S. facilitator and 2 teachers, from each grade level from my campus as well as the additional three listed in step 1.
September 7, 2012 – October 1, 2012
I will create a survey using a google site containing google forms and questionnaires
Graphs, Data Tables, and/or Spread sheets,

3.Gain permission from selected instructors from each site to conduct action research inquiry as well as the trained individual or counselor in charge of the in school suspension program (Teachers interviewed will include new teacher of 1to 3 years and a veteran teacher instructing 5 years or more.)

Cory Green,

Participating teachers from my campus and additional campuses listed, and trained leadership in charge of I.S.S.

Lead Counselor -Mrs. Carol Brazile

October 1, 2012 – October 10, 2012

Documentation granting approval from each teacher, lead counselor, and administrator of I.S.S. regarding permission for action inquiry/research project to be conducted with their involvement

No Evaluation Process Applicable
4. Conduct detailed interviews with teachers (7th and 8th grade), campus leadership, and lead counselor (if time permits) regarding the procedures, community stakeholder involvement, and effectiveness of their relative I.S.S. programs
Cory Green, Participating teachers from my campus and additional campuses listed, and trained leadership in charge of I.S.S. and at each campus lead counselor
October 1, 2012 – October 15, 2012
-Interview Questionnaire

-Spiral/Notebook for recording of notes and responses

- Digital Audio Recorder
Notes will be summarized and typed while evidence will then be collected and comparisons made with interview info to determine the relative impact or lack thereof of individual policies and procedures and how they could be used to improve the culture of our campus
5. Will conduct meeting with Record Keeper for Discipline Log and Lead Principal to examine numbers of students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade (with a stronger focus on 8th grade) in I.S.S., percentages  of subgroups mostly enrolled, and number of males versus females removed from class receiving this same discipline
Cory Green

Record Keeper for School Discipline Log 

Lead Principal

October 1, 2012- October 15, 2012
Student data from 6th to analyze disciplinary issues that may carry over to 7th and 8th grade increases in repeat offenders that return to I.S.S. in future years.

- Schoolwide Discipline Log
- Percentage/Numbers of males versus females in each grade level (6-8)
-Demographic and subgroups data
Student Data Spreadsheet
6. Meet with teachers and administrator of I.S.S. to receive/gain feedback and suggestions 1 to 2 times a monthly. Will share effectiveness with each other and analyze changes most critically needed in procedures and share these with school leadership, facilitator of I.S.S on my campus, faculty and staff possibly during professional development

(May meet with select problem students as well to gain an inside look from their perspective as to what is transpiring from the student point of view in I.S.S. that may make it ineffective)
Cory Green

Lead Principal 

Lead Counselor

Record Keeper of School-wide  Discipline Log 

Lead Facilitator of I.S.S.
October 15, 2012 – January 8, 2013
I.S.S. Discipline Draft of Revamped Procedures and Policies (drafted from data gathered form additional sites)
Notes from research and meeting with Principal and Lead counselor will determine if suggestions to be implemented are acceptable for change and can be initiated effectively with trained personnel after presentations.
7. Provide support to Disciplinary Committee through use of EXCEEDS RTI ( the web based computer program that manages Dallas ISD’s response to Interventions process by administering, prescribing and documenting academic and behavior data for each intervention tier) data and discussions with S.S.T. along with further evaluations via I.S.S. / after school detention visits, email and phone communication
Cory Green
Student Support Team
October 15, 2012 –January 8, 2013
-Access to Email

-Access to Internet

-Classroom phone access/cell phone

-Google Talk or Skype
Teacher satisfaction will be assessed via survey and with future exit interviews. Data gathered will then be used to contrast with initial (entry) interviews to determine teachers and school leader level of comfort with newly suggested/added procedures to previous I.S.S. programs.

8. In depth exit interviews will be conducted towards the end of the semester regarding teacher growth (new and veteran) as well as numbers of disciplinary issues reported and decrease in participants (students) that are repeat offenders enrolled in I.S.S.

Cory Green

Lead Principal 

Lead Counselor 

Administrator or Trained Individual in charge of I.S.S. 

January 8 -11, 23 -31, 2013 --  February 6, 2013

-Interview Questionnaire

-Spiral/Notebook for recording of notes and responses

- Digital Audio Recorder
Student data on graphs or spreadsheet. The graph will compare differences in number of disciplinary issues and offenders or repeat offenders  from this year and the year prior in order to determine the impact of the new procedures and/or policies added to my campuses I.S.S. program based on data and observations made at other sites in conjunction with my own.
9. Participating teachers, lead principals, and trained professional in charge of I.S.S. at all 3 sites previously listed will be re-surveyed regarding satisfaction and comfort with newly suggested  that were shared (and possibly implemented) procedures versus methods that were traditional practice for the beginning of the second semester
Cory Green

Participating Teachers 

Trained Professional over I.S.S.

Lead Principals 
February 6, 2013-
April 15, 2013
Google Forms/Google Site Surveys
Graphs and tables will be used to document answer sets. Initial results from surveys will be compared to determine the impact of the changes discussed regarding suspension showing their effectiveness on my campus versus other sites visited after sharing of newly considered problem solving strategies for increasing disciplinary issues
10. Conduct survey of students who are past and present participants in I.S.S. and any changes in attitude or behavior towards learning
6th, 7th, and 8th grade students

Cory Green
January 8 -11, 23 -31, 2013 --  February 6, 2013
Google Forms/Google Site Surveys
Spreadsheet or Table of results for each answer set will be displayed to determine to what degree students attitude towards learning changed and how much letter grades improved, if at all.. Also decreases found in enrollment in I.S.S. will be displayed and documented
11. Data regarding student discipline actions taken and those recommended for suspension will be examined, revisited, studied and presented in final discussions/meetings  to lead principal and administrator of I.S.S. to judge effectiveness to be used as permanent staples in the campus’s school wide disciplinary program for in school suspension
Cory Green

Lead Principal 

Lead Counselor 

Trained Professional in charge of In School Suspension
February 6, 2013 – March 8, 2013
Student data from 6th grade will be used to analyze disciplinary issues that may carry over to 7th and 8th grade increases in repeat offenders that return to I.S.S. in future years.

- School-wide Discipline Log
- Percentage/Numbers of males versus females in each grade level (6-8)
-Demographic and subgroups data
Interviews, I.S.S. participant, and all other suspension related data will be presented to lead principal and lead administrator in charge of In School Suspension for the previous school year and current school year as final assessments to determine the impact of the changes in the In School Suspension Program possibly leading to a more effective permanent revamping of its procedures positively impacting students and learning in the classroom
12. Discuss with specified parties the policies and procedures involved with conducting detention and devising a color code to represent student infractions such that this information can be better communicated to administration and parents for efficient enforcement and involvement
Cory Green

Vice Principal

Facilitator of Detention

Lead Counselor

Fall 2012
September 3, 2012 – September 7, 2012
-Interview Questionnaire

-Spiral/Notebook for recording of notes and responses

- Digital Audio Recorder

Interviews with Facilitator of Detention, Vice Principal (Site Supervisor), and Lead Counselor and all other suspension related data will be presented to lead principal and lead administrator in charge of detention to determine if coding color cards for teachers and coded letters for parents will be a more efficient way of documenting discipline issues with students, as well as more quickly being able to identify the offense along with the applicable consequence.

13. Discuss with specified parties the policies and procedures involved with conducting possible after school programs involvement in conjunction with extra curriculum activities to aid in decrease in lunchroom population after school (for those waiting for rides) and loitering complaints from the surrounding community.
Cory Green

Vice Principal

Lead Principal

Lead Counselor

Community Liaison

September 7, 2012 – September 14 ,2012
-Interview Questionnaire

-Spiral/Notebook for recording of notes and responses

- Digital Audio Recorder

Interviews and meetings with Campus Community Liaison, Vice Principal (Site Supervisor), Lead Principal and Lead Counselor and student, school leadership, and parent
evaluations forms/surveys to assess “customer satisfaction” and effectiveness of after school programs and their sponsorships through community companies’ donations in conjunction with their effect on the management of less students in the detention area while bringing forth a decrease in loitering or harassment complaints from community residents regarding students.


  1. I've added a few changes to my Action Research Plan towards the end of this revised copy. Everyone please read and feel free to tell me what you think. Have a great evening.

  2. Cory,

    Great job with your action research plan. Research into effective discipline is cruical, and relevant to today's public schools. Keep working hard to achieve your research goals, and I know you'll meet them!

    Dr. Abshire

  3. Thank you Dr. Abshire. My goal is to graduate with a 4.0 average. Right know I'm holding down a 99 average so far between this class and the first. So hopefully I can keep up the great work. Have a great week.
